Tag Archives: beaten

Loved to the End

Did you ever think about the friends and family of Jesus who were standing at the foot of the cross watching Him die hanging on with Him to the end?  Maybe they were staying there hoping that He was going to come down off that cross in great power and take the throne and free them from the Roman oppression.  Maybe it was just out of the hurt and pain of it all that they were there. Continue reading Loved to the End


Communion bread and wine

Recently, while reading Isaiah 53, I thought about Communion or the Lord’s Supper that we followers of Christ partake of.  This chapter is so rich.  Many years before the Christ child would be born to Joseph and Mary the prophet Isaiah prophesied the details and the purpose of Jesus the Messiah’s death.

As I read this chapter, I began to see a picture that Hebrews of Jesus’ day would be very familiar with.  We in the 21st century Continue reading Communion